Saturday, June 28, 2014

Family Makes Since

    People might ask me how do you deal with your family. The only answer I have for them is... well they are family. Yes family is crazy, blunt, weird, and even embarrassing but they are there for good. Family is there for you through times of mourning, times of happiness, and times of hardships (the extremes of all emotions).
    Family is there during the times of mourning. When someone dies in my family, we have a week long family get together unofficially. You always receive so much food as offerings of peace from extended family and friends. Therefore, to not put the food to waste, we take all the food to someone's house and eat and mourn together. There is nothing better than a shoulder to cry on, a child that can't help but to put a smile on your face, and some great food to get you through the long week. Also who wants to have to cook meals when you can barley keep yourself sane for five minutes.
    Family is also there during times of happiness. When you just scored your dream job, found out that you are having a baby, or even getting married family is always their to share the joy. Personally, when I have really good news the first thing I do is call all of my family to tell them. They are the ones that I want to know first. I always know that they are going to be proud and supportive of me; that's why I tell them first. Some of my best memories are from simple get togethers and everyone enjoying each others company.
    Family is also there through the hardships. Whether you lost your job, having a hard time making ends meet for the month, or unexpected bills such as medical bills come up your family is always there to help if you need it. One of my aunts was having a ultrasound while expecting a baby boy and they found out that his organs were growing outside of his body. There was too many risks to open her up and fix him in the wound so they were to either terminate the baby or carry him full term. Of course they decided to carry him full term to give him a chance because our family doesn't believe in killing. He lived through the pregnancy and as soon as he came out of the womb he was rushed to the operating room. He had several surgeries then and he still does ,every once in a while, to this day. My aunt and uncle had jobs but didn't have enough money for all of these unexpected bills so all of my family chipped in what little they could. With a lot of hard work and a loving family, everything got paid off and he lives a healthy, wonderful, full life now days. I know because of this experience that if I ever run into trouble my family will step in and help me out. That is how loving family is.
    Family is just beyond the best thing that has ever been given to me. I know that all of us together, we can get through anything the world throws at us. I love my family and that is what I am going to end this blog post on.

-Chelsey Tennison



I am making my list of things that direct my life in a list form  

   -Everyone's life has a purpose.
   -One should use their talents and gifts given to them for the better of the world
   -One should not do bad things such as do drugs, cheat on spouses, or even kill people
   -One should put God first, spouse second, children third, and everyone else fourth.
   -Lastly a laugh a day keeps the psychiatrist away

More details to come!


Know Your Audience

    It has been really nice getting to know my fellow classmates. With this online class, I have decided that I know my classmates better online than I do in the classroom. I like the fact that you know the real things about people and not the latest gossip that isn't even true.
    In the Know Your Audience Discussion, My favorite question was Teresa Cosolo's question, "What is the one person or thing that makes you laugh and why?" The reason why was I got to think about the good memories I have and I got to read some funny stories that others have; I love funny things.
    Another question that I really enjoyed was Maria Whitsel's question, "Where do you seen yourself in ten years from now?" I loved this question because it is so easy to write about. It was really neat to be able to to read all about the different dreams that people have. I hope that every single one of them achieve their goals that they have laid out. We need people doing all the different things in the world so it is a good thing that people want different things in life.  
    I have decided that this class is full of hard working, dreamers. I guess that is why we are in the class. We come from so many different places, want so many different things, and lastly we all have different things that we need to do in order to get ourselves there. The thing we have in common is we are working to get ourselves there. We are all taking this class because it is part of what we have to do to achieve our dreams. Do good job you!
    Lastly my favorite thing to learn about you guys is, "What color is your attitude?" by Kelly Anthony. I liked this question because it give an "out of the box" view of you. It takes a lot of deep thinking to give an answer. It also lets me see how you see yourself and how you want the rest of the world to see yourself.
    I learned a lot about you all and it has been entertaining throughout the process. Good luck to the rest of the semester!

-Chelsey Tennison ;D   


Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Believe God Has A Plan For Everybody

    I believe that God has a plan for each and every single person, Jeremiah 29:11.  Every single person in this world is different for a reason. Some people love English, some people love math, and some people (like me) love science. We need all of these in this world. We need people that can get things wrote down on paper for laws, directions, teaching, writing down our history so that future generations can learn from our mistakes, etc. We also need people that can figure out the best gas mileage, figure out how to get a plane up in the air, someone to figure out the rihgt dosage of medication, etc. These things go along with science but in order for it to happen you need to be able to do the math. We need all of these different people in this world to make it go around. We need people to do each and every job that is required. 
    God has a soul mate for each and every person (if they are to have one). God isn't going to make one person's sou lmate another persons. Some people are not meant to have one too. There soul mate is simply their family and friends. I have an great aunt that has never been married and she knows how to love. She has the kindest, biggest heart of anyone that I know. She was meant to be able to pour all of her love into my family and I not some silly ol guy. 
    God also allows has bad things in his plan for you; he does everybody. This is not just to be evil but they are to get you through the tougher things to come and to bring you closer to him because he is the best person to go to during a hard time. 

 count: 307

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The "This I Believe" List

  • I believe that I have to go pee 
  • I believe that I hope this goes by fast because of that
  • I believe that God has so many gerat things in store for me
  • I believer that I cannot wait to see hwat lies ahead
  • I believe that I will find the perfect guy ever
  • I believe that I will land the perfect job
  • I believe that I will have two boys and two girls
  • I believe that I don't care if that is exact but it is ideal
  • I believe that I want to adopt at least one child
  • I believe that the reason I want tow boys and two girls is so htat each child can have a brother nad a sister because I have always wanted a sister
  • I believe that I may be dislexdic and not know it
  • I believe that a lot of people are and don't know it
  • I believe that I didn't spell that right
  • I believe that I am a horrible speller
  • I believe that I am possibly one of the worst spellers ever
  • I believe that I actually one a spelling bee in 2nd grade but it all went down hill from there
  • I believe that everyone has a certain thing they were meant to do
  • I believe that God has a plan for everyone 
  • I blieve that God has a plan for YOU, the one reading this. 
  • I believe that we all seem to veir off path
  • I believe that I spelt that wrong too
  • I believe that I just proved my point once again
  • I believe that I was went to do something with blood, guts, and gore.
  • I believe that probably scared you.
  • I believe that I better clear up that I am not a serial killer. 
  • I believe that what I mean by doing osmething with blood, guts, and gore is I don't get bothered by that stuff 
  • I think that it was a talent given to me by God (yes a weird talent but a true talent)
  • I believe that not many people can watch Grey's Anatomy (when they are doing a surgery) and eat spagettii at the same time and it not bother me a bit
  • I believe that my mom thinks that I am nuts for doing so 
  • I believe that this is fun and all but is lasting a long time and remember that I have to pee
  • I believe that I know it has been ten minutes 
  • I believe that I am going ot look at my ohone because the timer must have already went off or something
  • Ah ha I believe that I didn't get the button pushed and the timer never started so 
  • I believe I am done here
  • I believe that I did this for loing enough or I hope so 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

How ESFJ Personality Compares to Me

   As an ESFJ personality typed person, I have many positive traits and, yes, negative traits. I believe that most of everything that I have read about the personality type really does go along with my personality I see of myself. An ESFJ person is a kind of person that puts all they got into their work and obligations, down-to-earth, take their responsibilities very seriously,orderly and organized, and are very energetic; which are all traits that I believe I obtain. However, on the down side, ESFJ people get their satisfactions from the happiness of other people, obsess over the control of their environment, take negative sayings/ thoughts negatively, and are bad about having a very dramatic illustrations when story telling which I also acquire all of these traits. 
    These traits help me in many ways when it comes to my writing.Very dramatic illustrations help my writing by helping me include so many details but also makes my writings usually long which my English teachers while growing up didn't like so well. Also myself being very organized I always get my work done; I have never missed turning in an assignment which may sound nerdy but school is important to me.
    However, these traits also bring some disadvantages. ESFJ people obsess over the control of their environment which brings me down due to the fact that I spend so much time changing what I write trying to make it perfect when sometimes the first thing I wrote was the best way to put it. I spend so many touches on the the keyboard on the backspace key that I am surprised that the writing is still there. Also I am always so worried that what I write is not good and that everyone will hate it. I guess that goes along with the fact that I get my satisfaction from others. If one person doesn't like my writing, I will never look at it the same. I will always want to change it even if I really is okay but the reading didn't suite just right for that particular reader. That is why I could never be a writer unless if I improve myself for the better.
   All these things really do apply to me, however, I am not certain they apply with every single person that ends up with the ESFJ personality type. I am kinda curious but I can't imagine so many people being exactly the same. I guess this is why I disagreed with some of the traits that all ESFJ people are suppose to have like not being open-minded (I love to hear others thoughts about something and ESFJs are good listers which clases with that idea), not having their own values (I have so many values that my friends, family, and community doesn't see as important to themselves), or even reading people very well (I don't always understand sarcasm especially in text). This means that my writing gets put on paper a certain way because that is the way I put it not because I am an ESFJ person and I have to have it a certain way because I am. That is the one thing that I want everyone to leave with in their heads today. Nice blogging to ya and have a good one!

-Chelsey Tennison