Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Believe God Has A Plan For Everybody

    I believe that God has a plan for each and every single person, Jeremiah 29:11.  Every single person in this world is different for a reason. Some people love English, some people love math, and some people (like me) love science. We need all of these in this world. We need people that can get things wrote down on paper for laws, directions, teaching, writing down our history so that future generations can learn from our mistakes, etc. We also need people that can figure out the best gas mileage, figure out how to get a plane up in the air, someone to figure out the rihgt dosage of medication, etc. These things go along with science but in order for it to happen you need to be able to do the math. We need all of these different people in this world to make it go around. We need people to do each and every job that is required. 
    God has a soul mate for each and every person (if they are to have one). God isn't going to make one person's sou lmate another persons. Some people are not meant to have one too. There soul mate is simply their family and friends. I have an great aunt that has never been married and she knows how to love. She has the kindest, biggest heart of anyone that I know. She was meant to be able to pour all of her love into my family and I not some silly ol guy. 
    God also allows has bad things in his plan for you; he does everybody. This is not just to be evil but they are to get you through the tougher things to come and to bring you closer to him because he is the best person to go to during a hard time. 

 count: 307

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