Thursday, July 17, 2014

Why I Love Grey's Anatomy

    I love Grey's Anatomy for so many reasons that I can't even name them all. However, I will name out some of the main reasons. I love Grey's because the have the life that I want, the have the best of friends that you could ever imagine, and there is, pardon my french, hot, manly doctors.
    In Grey's Anatomy they are surgents. The already finished Medical School and all. They start out as interns and work their way up. I wish I was in that boat already. Getting all the way through medical school takes a whole lot of work and a long time to get there too. I don't think that I am going to go through all that work though because I am too scared that I wouldn't make it. There is too much competition and I have to be smart enough.
    Everyone in Grey's Anatomy have friends that would die for each other, literally. In one episode there was a shooter in the hospital and Grey's friend risked her life to save grey's husband because she couldn't live without him. Now that is what I call a true friendship. I hope that I find a friend like that one day and maybe I already have but haven't had to go through something like that to find out.
    Last but not least the show has so many hot, manly, successful doctors. You can even tell by their nicknames (MC Steamy and more), Every women needs to watch Grey's Anatomy even if just for that reason. Maybe one day I can live the dream by marrying a doctor like the ones in this show. That would just be so great!
    As you can see the show is amazing but for so many other reasons that I would write forever about if I could. You should try watching it and when you do you will fall in love too.

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