Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Stupid Gallbladder

    When in Guatemala last October, I had a wonderful time. I seen a lot of stuff and ate a lot of different foods that I am not used to. This made my gallbladder act up. On the plane ride home I had my first attack. It was the worst thing I have ever expedience. I seriously thought I was going to die. I sleep through it as much as could but the pain seemed to keep me up.
    When I got back mom took me to the doctor the next day. The doctor thought that I had just caught a bug while in Guatemala. He said that I would just have to wait it through and let my body kill it off. I eventually got better but was never the same.
    I got sick again about a month later. It was even worse. The worst part about it is (if you cannot deal with nasty stuff don't read this part) my poop was white. Yes white. So white that mom took me to the hospital thinking I was dying or something(which I felt like I was). I felt like I was stabbed in the rib and I couldn't even breath.
    The doctor finally thought that I must have gallstones so they took me in for an ultrasound. The test came out inconclusive, they didn't' find any stones. He said that since my stool was white that he was going to send me for another test, an nuclear medicine kind of test. They shot me up with radioactive material and video taped as they watched where it went. The test ended up showing that my gall bladder was not working hardly at all causing gall stone like pain.
    It turns out that when my mom was my age it did the same thing to her so I am guessing it is genetic. I ended up having surgery and getting it removed. So now I am an organ short and feeling much better!

Why I Have the Bestest of Friends

    Freshman year I moved schools. I went to a place where I knew no one. At first I was friends with a few people but I soon figured out that I was in the wrong crowd. They did bad things that I didn't want to do. So I went off on my own.
    I felt sad and lonely. I would hear about parties going on, both good and bad, and I was never invited. It wasn't until I got invited to an end of the year party when I got to know my soon to be best friends.
    I was hesitant at first. I knew some of the people there and, for sure, not very well. Next thing I knew I found out that they were at just as nice, caring, fun, and crazy as I am. We had the best of times doing things that most people would is dumb and stupid. However, it kept us out of trouble and kept the laughs a rolling.
    Now I know that they would be there for me through anything becasue they have helped me through tough situations. I love them more than anyone could know and I am so glad that I was the new kid.

Redeeming Love

    For those of you who don't know, Redeeming Love is my absolute favorite book ever written! I love it and that is such a big understatement. I'm obsessed! In fact, I am so obsessed that I freaked out daily to my friends as new things were happening within the story.
    The book is based off of the book of Hosea in the bible. One doesn't even have to be a devoted christian to read and enjoy this book. But maybe, just maybe, it would help them find or take the next step in their journey with God.
    The story is set in 1850, in the middle of California Gold Country. Angel (the main character) is a beautiful, young woman with a troubled past. She doesn't forsee life getting any better, or going anywhere, for that matter. She is hopeless and numb.
    She was sold into prostitution at 8 years old. The only think she does in life is hate all the selfish people that come to see her. Then she meets Micheal Hosea (the man of my dreams).
    Micheal obeys the Lord's mission for him to marry Angel, and slowly, he begins to thaw her frozen heart.
    As this begins to happen, though, Angel is filled with feelings of unworthiness and fear, she flees. By the end of the story, readers realize that the only healing of her heart can come from is the one who created her. Even more than Micheal, the one that will not leave.
    There is so many reasons why I love this book. It teaches God's love and ultimate plan for one's life, it gives the hopeless hope, and it brings a classic bible story to a new, modern light.

Carpool Adventures

     A few weeks ago my good friend Kirsten started working with me at Wally word! She is a cashier and I am a Dairy associate. She lives pretty far away though, like 45 minutes. So I brought up to her that she should start staying with me to save money on gas and she accepted.
     The first time that she stayed, our friend Marisa, a foreign exchange student from our sophomore year, was at my house for a visit to America. Marisa lives in Guatemala (right below Mexico). So Kirsten tagged along while we showed her some of the most American things you can find. We went to a rodeo, mud racing, watched a big fireworks show on Fourth of July, Silver Dollar City, Titanic Museum, the arch, city museum, malls and more malls, and last but not least the fair! She had classic American food like corn dogs, funnel cakes, and of course hamburgers. She still likes her food better which is hard to imagine. Her favorite food from America is Pop tarts, believe it or not. She ended up taking 2 packages back home with her.
      The next time that Kirsten came to visit, I worked until 10 and she worked until only 5. So I told her to go ahead and go to my house. She did and when I finally got back she was asleep on my bed, Grey's Anatomy on the TV (my type of girl), and with a note beside her saying to wake her up, so I did. We ended up staying up for a long time and not waking up until it was time to go to work again.
     She is actually currently at my house now and I love it. Who would have thought that you could have so much fun carpooling!

Why I Love Grey's Anatomy

    I love Grey's Anatomy for so many reasons that I can't even name them all. However, I will name out some of the main reasons. I love Grey's because the have the life that I want, the have the best of friends that you could ever imagine, and there is, pardon my french, hot, manly doctors.
    In Grey's Anatomy they are surgents. The already finished Medical School and all. They start out as interns and work their way up. I wish I was in that boat already. Getting all the way through medical school takes a whole lot of work and a long time to get there too. I don't think that I am going to go through all that work though because I am too scared that I wouldn't make it. There is too much competition and I have to be smart enough.
    Everyone in Grey's Anatomy have friends that would die for each other, literally. In one episode there was a shooter in the hospital and Grey's friend risked her life to save grey's husband because she couldn't live without him. Now that is what I call a true friendship. I hope that I find a friend like that one day and maybe I already have but haven't had to go through something like that to find out.
    Last but not least the show has so many hot, manly, successful doctors. You can even tell by their nicknames (MC Steamy and more), Every women needs to watch Grey's Anatomy even if just for that reason. Maybe one day I can live the dream by marrying a doctor like the ones in this show. That would just be so great!
    As you can see the show is amazing but for so many other reasons that I would write forever about if I could. You should try watching it and when you do you will fall in love too.

Why I Love Goldfish

    Goldfish are such relaxing, simple, and beautiful creatures. You might now think that I am crazy but let me explain. I love all animals, even skunks if they are babies, but I have a special love for my goldfish. Or, maybe it is just because I am sitting by them and I looked at them. I am not for sure. Even if that is the reason why all of the following is still true.
    Goldfish are very relaxing. They don't try to get in your food, you don't have to train them, and you don't have to worry about their every move. The just swim around in their tank. You don't have to worry all the time. Goldfish are also relaxing to watch. It gets your mind off of things.
    Goldfish are also very simple animals. The just have to be fed once a day, bowl cleaned every now and then, and enjoy them. Dogs required daily walking, to be fed several times a day, and have to be watched 24/7. Most animals are like dogs and required special needs unlike goldfish. The are simple and I love it!
    Goldfish are also very, very beautiful creatures. Depends on the fish you get but goldfish could have very big, elaborate fines that flow in the water, they could have scales that sparkle in the light, and they smell and look nasty like a grown pig in the mud. Goldfish are naturally beautiful too. They don't have to have hair cuts, be combed, or even have bows to look pretty. The just come that way.
    I hope that know you understand why I love goldfish so much. Maybe now you agree with my thoughts even. Don't get me wrong I love getting greeted at the door by your best friend, tail wagging, licking, and all, but I like to get a break and watch my fish too.   

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Problems of Long Hair

    Most everyone thinks that long hair is so beautiful and makes a women a "women". All of this and more is true, however, their is so much more to long, luscious hair. Is it worth it to you?
    Let me start from the beginning. To get the long hair that you want you have to grow it out. You have to go through the awkward, ugly lengths and deal with it. It is and will be so hard not to cut it and start all over again.
    Long hair is also so hard to brush. No matter if it is wet, dry, straight, or curly, it takes forever to brush it. I spent 15 to 20 minutes just brushing my hair (which is long). Did I mention that the brushing hurts. Brushing my hair feels like I am pulling out every single one of my hairs but all at the same time. Their is so many nots and tangles that you can't get rid of any other way other than brushing it.
    Long hair is even hard to sleep with. You can't leave your hair down because it gets way too hot and get even more tangled than ever by morning. So you have to wear it in a ponytail/ bun. However, you have to have this ponytail/ bun in a special place. You must have the ponytail/ bun right on top of your head (the very top). You look ridiculous but if you don't you will have a monster of a headache when you wake up and possibly a bruised head(which is yet another thing that hurts). 
    Lastly long hair is so expensive to maintain. When you have long hair you must use twice as much shampoo, conditioner, hair products, and even so many extra ponytail holders. All of the extra hair products add up! Also when you have to wear two or three ponytails in your hair at a time and they break all the time that adds up too.
    Even though long hair comes with all of these horrid, painful, and expensive details I believe that long hair is totally worth it. Long hair makes me feel like a beautiful girl and it is enjoyable when not having to deal with the pain of it.

Finding the Right Gentleman

    In today's world, there is too many divorces and abusive relationships. Personally, I think this because girls are not looking for the right gentleman. Girls are just looking for a guy based on how good her looks or even how much money he has rather than how he treats her or even his values.
    Girls should look for a guy that respects her values as his own. He should open doors for her, not pressure her into things, and even lastly but most important, he should love her with all of his heart, mind, and soul.
    Girls should also do the same for the guys that they are seeing. Guys have values too. The might not seem like they do but they do, or they should. The have plans in life and things they live by. Girls should respect them. Girls should not make men their slaves, be controlling, and should have their own values.
    If guys and gals do these things them maybe their wouldn't be so many problems with relationships. Everyone should have God above their relationship becasue he is the only one that makes the plans and makes them work. If you are having a relationship out of this order it is bound to not work.
    I am not a relationship expert or anything. This blog is make completely off the top of my head so don't hold my blog to some scientific tests. Just me and my thoughts and ,who knows, maybe it will help the world.

Name Brand vs. Non-Name Brand Clothing

    As I was walking through the mall (on vacation) today I was in a name-brand clothing store and was choking at every price tag. It got me thinking, "Why do I want name-brand clothing?"
    Name brand clothing usually does not last long at all, are so "plain jane", and is so expensive. Every time you was name-brand clothing, it comes out either shrunk or even the threads are coming out. Name-brand clothing never lasts very long at all.
    On the contrast, non name-brand clothing is usually made to last, all cool kinds of patterns and styles, and lastly CHEAP. I like that I can wear clean clothes because they will not fall apart in the washer.
    So why do people want name-brand clothing? I believe it is becasue name-brand clothing is more expensive, therefore, they make more money. With more money they can advertise more and make people want their clothes.
    So next time you buy clothes, think to yourself, "Lets look at what I am getting and why?" Rather than thinking, "Oh man I have heard of this brand and that famous celebrity said that she liked it on TV." That will save you money and you will like it better in the long run.

My Loving Grandmother

   July 31st 2012, a normal day. My parents and I were at my grandparents house helping out in the garden and in the house. My grandmother had helped pick green beans and peppers and even canned them that day. She was just her normal loving, selfless, quiet-spirited woman that I had the honor of calling my grandma.
    Late that night, we went back home to go to bed (like 10 minutes away). Just got into bed after showers and such when we got a call from grandpa. Dad couldn't completely understand him but knew he had to go back. We showed up and grandpa was in the bathroom crying. Grandma was on the floor. Admittedly my dad started CPR. I called 911 and my aunt that lived close by. Then stayed with grandpa becasue dad didn't want me in there.
     She never took a breath again. Dad couldn't even get her chest to rise. The ambulance showed up and pronounced her dead. She was getting ready to take a shower and had a stroke. Grandpa didn't hear her (he can't hear anything) and didn't go check on her until it was too late. The ambulance said that the stroke had blocked her airway so CPR would have never worked but they were glad we tried.
    The hardest thing to ever watch is you tough-guy grandpa cry. He held her hand all the way out the door and to the ambulance. He kept saying that he was so glad he got to know her and live his whole life with her and that he would not want it any other way.
    She was the sweetest, most-kindest lady that you could ever meet. She (even being 80 years old) would cook for people going through a rough time every Wednesday. She loved every single one of her 9 children and 24 grandchildren and she loved them equally. Every single one of us grandchildren knew that she loved us and that she would go to the ends of the earth for us. That is why I miss her so much. I think of her just about everyday. She is my role-model and I am honored that a lot of people say that I am like her. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oh Troy Boy

    Last December on the 15th, our family's lives got flipped upside down. Just a normal Sunday morning and my cousin Troy was on his way to our church. He is 18 and works, goes to school, and still makes to go every Sunday. He pulled up to the train tracks that has no lights or anything just a stop sign and where you hardly ever see a train. He did a quick stop and go that a lot of people do but this time there was a train. I am guessing he had music on and was maybe running a little and didn't see it until it was too late. This roll through stop cost his life. My uncle (not his dad) lives close by and seen it happen and ran up to Troy and he was dead. He Was killed instantly.
    We saved him a spot at church and when he didn't show up we just thought he had to work or something. My dad was gone on a special hunting trip and we had our phones off because we were in church and didn't turn them back on until we were at Tractor Supply. We were there because mom wanted to try on some jeans and get a new pair after we had ate. She was in the dressing room when she said that she had 8 missed calls and she galled my grandmother back. Next thing I know my mom was yelling, "No mom... please...." (mind you we are inside of a public place). I was worried. I banged on the door and mom let me in. She got off the phone and tried pulling herself together but she was crying, hard. The only words that came out was, "Troy was hit by a train and he is dead."
    I seem to do well in emergency situations so I cried but I told mom that we needed to get home, tell dad and my brother, and we needed to head over to grandmas because that is where everyone always meets on that side of the family (mainly I just wanted to get out of Tractor Supply before management came over). So she was walking out when I noticed she still had the jeans that she tried on and she forgot her purse. I told her change back into your pants, grab your purse, and lets go.
    That coming week was normal (if normal for you is someone in your family dies). We cried, we mourned, and we ate. We all went through the visitation and the funeral. There was a lot of people there that tried to make you feel better and it does help some but healing process just takes time. Christmas was the next week and it was not the same at all. I have never been to a Christmas were the only noises you heard were the kids. Everyone was so quiet. His birthday was two days after Christmas; we just couldn't get a break.We all missed him so much.
    We missed him because he was such a big boy but with an even bigger heart. He was 6'5" but his favorite place to be was down on the ground with kids. He taught Sunday School classes, he worked in the nursery, and he even walked kids from the elementary to the high school if their parents worked there. He kept good care of God's children and I think the reason why he had to go to heaven so quickly is because he had to help care for all of the kids lost lately (school shootings and such). He loved to watch and play just about every sport. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and just being one on one in nature. He was just an awesome guy that was more of a brother than a cousin to me.
    If I could take anything back form when he was here on this earth than I would take back being mad at him for taking my favorite hunting spot. He didn't really have anywhere to go and didn't know that is where I like to hunt but I was so mad at him. Now I realize that it was dumb of me and I would give him my spot for all of eternity if I could just have him back. If I could say something to him I would just have to plan and simple say I love you and I forgive you for all the times tattle tailing on me because that is what made the memories anyway.

Love ya Troy Boy,
Chelsey Tennison


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Republican vs. Democrat

    Not to get all politics on you guys but I just got done working on my American Government class and this was on my mind. Republican or Democrat who are you gonna vote for. Do you vote for someone because they are part of your party or do you vote for them because they will do the best for your country? Too many people just vote a straight ticket because they want their party to be in control of the house or such. However, is that doing us any good? Look how much the government has been arguing with each other. Our government went through a shut down because they could agree on a budget. I that because of the way most people vote? I think that parties should be no more. We should have people in office that are going to do their best for our country. That means stepping out of your "I have to vote for my party" mind and voting for ever fits. Lets all give this a try and see if anything improves. Who knows this might be the best thing since the first time someone milked a cow.


Why Must Women Shave Their Legs

    In fourth grade, I always wanted to shave my legs and really bad. I went so far to get the hair off my legs that I took Duck Tape and tried to sorta wax them. This did hurt and did not help at all. The question is, "Why did I want to shave my legs so bad? Who or what put in my head that I needed to shave?" From then on mom let me shave but she had never mentioned it to me before; so I didn't get it from her.
   Now days I regret it so much. Having to shave so often and did i mention it hurts. Also I am allergic to a lot of chemicals so I break out form certain soaps and shaving creams and that hurts. I can't use Nair because of it too (BIG NO NO). Lastly waxing is the worst of all of it. I am warning you now, do not ever wax. So I just have to suffer through the pain. I have to hope that I don't cut myself and bleed out, get razor burn, or worst off that I don't get hold of something I am allergic to.
    I believe that I wanted to shave because of commercials or even my brother. Commercials make shaving look so harmless and the girl always has nice looking legs. You always think, "Maybe if I get that razor I will get that good of a shave." Well news is the legs are probably waxed and airbrushed. I also think that I might have wanted to shave because of my brother. He is much older than me and he always teased me about having hairy legs; I want to see him have to shave every other day and go through the pain. Even though I was still a child he though that it was gross. 
    So why do guys make us girls go through the pain? I don't know. I am sure Adam didn't care that Eve had such a natural look to her. I guess these days the moto is, "No pain, No game!" 


Why I Love the Country

    I am pretty sure I could never live in the city (permanently at least). In the country you have privacy, peace in quiet, and a very good neighborhood watch. All of these things are very important to me.
    In the country, there is a lot of land so houses are separated rather than blocked up right next to each other. Also there is not such a big demand on housing in the country because it is not as close to the grocery stores and such. This means that there is a house about every mile or so. Now that is spacious. If I stay at someone's house in the city I always wake up at every car that drives by and wouldn't want my kids to play outside by themselves in case they were to get kidnapped. But since there is not a whole lot of people in the country cars rarely drive by and kids can play anywhere. My favorite place to play as a child was out in the woods; Mom would just holler out the door when it was time to come home.
    In the country, all you hear is the birds chirping, roosters crowing, or even dogs barking. You will hardly ever hear cars driving by, or neighbors fighting, or noises at night that keep you up which you might hear everyday in the city. I can go outside in my yard and take a nap to the sweet noises that people will get machines to do. I am never woke up in the night unless if it is by someone inside my own house (my family).
    Lastly I have the best neighborhood watch living in the country. Since I do not have a whole lot of neighbors, we all know either other very well. Every single one of my neighbors are either family or really close friends. If there is something strange going on you always get a phone call. One year we went on vacation and we had a friend come stay at our house to do chores everyday. We got several calls but didn't see them until after they had already paid a visit to the house to make sure the person (they didn't know we was leaving for vacation yet) wasn't breaking in. The friend watching our house cleared up the air but we reassured them just in case. Now we know to always let them know someone is staying at the house. But if she really had been breaking in we know that everything will be taken care of. I guess that is why we don't have any trouble around these parts.
    I love the country for so many more reasons that I have mentioned but those are just some of the ones that appeal to others wants. You have all those things and more. You get to walk in beautiful scenery, get to go fishing or hunting anytime and you just walk right on over, and lastly but my favorite you actually get to see the stars. I just absolutely love the country and would never be able to leave it for the city (unless forced)!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Family Makes Since

    People might ask me how do you deal with your family. The only answer I have for them is... well they are family. Yes family is crazy, blunt, weird, and even embarrassing but they are there for good. Family is there for you through times of mourning, times of happiness, and times of hardships (the extremes of all emotions).
    Family is there during the times of mourning. When someone dies in my family, we have a week long family get together unofficially. You always receive so much food as offerings of peace from extended family and friends. Therefore, to not put the food to waste, we take all the food to someone's house and eat and mourn together. There is nothing better than a shoulder to cry on, a child that can't help but to put a smile on your face, and some great food to get you through the long week. Also who wants to have to cook meals when you can barley keep yourself sane for five minutes.
    Family is also there during times of happiness. When you just scored your dream job, found out that you are having a baby, or even getting married family is always their to share the joy. Personally, when I have really good news the first thing I do is call all of my family to tell them. They are the ones that I want to know first. I always know that they are going to be proud and supportive of me; that's why I tell them first. Some of my best memories are from simple get togethers and everyone enjoying each others company.
    Family is also there through the hardships. Whether you lost your job, having a hard time making ends meet for the month, or unexpected bills such as medical bills come up your family is always there to help if you need it. One of my aunts was having a ultrasound while expecting a baby boy and they found out that his organs were growing outside of his body. There was too many risks to open her up and fix him in the wound so they were to either terminate the baby or carry him full term. Of course they decided to carry him full term to give him a chance because our family doesn't believe in killing. He lived through the pregnancy and as soon as he came out of the womb he was rushed to the operating room. He had several surgeries then and he still does ,every once in a while, to this day. My aunt and uncle had jobs but didn't have enough money for all of these unexpected bills so all of my family chipped in what little they could. With a lot of hard work and a loving family, everything got paid off and he lives a healthy, wonderful, full life now days. I know because of this experience that if I ever run into trouble my family will step in and help me out. That is how loving family is.
    Family is just beyond the best thing that has ever been given to me. I know that all of us together, we can get through anything the world throws at us. I love my family and that is what I am going to end this blog post on.

-Chelsey Tennison



I am making my list of things that direct my life in a list form  

   -Everyone's life has a purpose.
   -One should use their talents and gifts given to them for the better of the world
   -One should not do bad things such as do drugs, cheat on spouses, or even kill people
   -One should put God first, spouse second, children third, and everyone else fourth.
   -Lastly a laugh a day keeps the psychiatrist away

More details to come!


Know Your Audience

    It has been really nice getting to know my fellow classmates. With this online class, I have decided that I know my classmates better online than I do in the classroom. I like the fact that you know the real things about people and not the latest gossip that isn't even true.
    In the Know Your Audience Discussion, My favorite question was Teresa Cosolo's question, "What is the one person or thing that makes you laugh and why?" The reason why was I got to think about the good memories I have and I got to read some funny stories that others have; I love funny things.
    Another question that I really enjoyed was Maria Whitsel's question, "Where do you seen yourself in ten years from now?" I loved this question because it is so easy to write about. It was really neat to be able to to read all about the different dreams that people have. I hope that every single one of them achieve their goals that they have laid out. We need people doing all the different things in the world so it is a good thing that people want different things in life.  
    I have decided that this class is full of hard working, dreamers. I guess that is why we are in the class. We come from so many different places, want so many different things, and lastly we all have different things that we need to do in order to get ourselves there. The thing we have in common is we are working to get ourselves there. We are all taking this class because it is part of what we have to do to achieve our dreams. Do good job you!
    Lastly my favorite thing to learn about you guys is, "What color is your attitude?" by Kelly Anthony. I liked this question because it give an "out of the box" view of you. It takes a lot of deep thinking to give an answer. It also lets me see how you see yourself and how you want the rest of the world to see yourself.
    I learned a lot about you all and it has been entertaining throughout the process. Good luck to the rest of the semester!

-Chelsey Tennison ;D   


Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Believe God Has A Plan For Everybody

    I believe that God has a plan for each and every single person, Jeremiah 29:11.  Every single person in this world is different for a reason. Some people love English, some people love math, and some people (like me) love science. We need all of these in this world. We need people that can get things wrote down on paper for laws, directions, teaching, writing down our history so that future generations can learn from our mistakes, etc. We also need people that can figure out the best gas mileage, figure out how to get a plane up in the air, someone to figure out the rihgt dosage of medication, etc. These things go along with science but in order for it to happen you need to be able to do the math. We need all of these different people in this world to make it go around. We need people to do each and every job that is required. 
    God has a soul mate for each and every person (if they are to have one). God isn't going to make one person's sou lmate another persons. Some people are not meant to have one too. There soul mate is simply their family and friends. I have an great aunt that has never been married and she knows how to love. She has the kindest, biggest heart of anyone that I know. She was meant to be able to pour all of her love into my family and I not some silly ol guy. 
    God also allows has bad things in his plan for you; he does everybody. This is not just to be evil but they are to get you through the tougher things to come and to bring you closer to him because he is the best person to go to during a hard time. 

 count: 307

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The "This I Believe" List

  • I believe that I have to go pee 
  • I believe that I hope this goes by fast because of that
  • I believe that God has so many gerat things in store for me
  • I believer that I cannot wait to see hwat lies ahead
  • I believe that I will find the perfect guy ever
  • I believe that I will land the perfect job
  • I believe that I will have two boys and two girls
  • I believe that I don't care if that is exact but it is ideal
  • I believe that I want to adopt at least one child
  • I believe that the reason I want tow boys and two girls is so htat each child can have a brother nad a sister because I have always wanted a sister
  • I believe that I may be dislexdic and not know it
  • I believe that a lot of people are and don't know it
  • I believe that I didn't spell that right
  • I believe that I am a horrible speller
  • I believe that I am possibly one of the worst spellers ever
  • I believe that I actually one a spelling bee in 2nd grade but it all went down hill from there
  • I believe that everyone has a certain thing they were meant to do
  • I believe that God has a plan for everyone 
  • I blieve that God has a plan for YOU, the one reading this. 
  • I believe that we all seem to veir off path
  • I believe that I spelt that wrong too
  • I believe that I just proved my point once again
  • I believe that I was went to do something with blood, guts, and gore.
  • I believe that probably scared you.
  • I believe that I better clear up that I am not a serial killer. 
  • I believe that what I mean by doing osmething with blood, guts, and gore is I don't get bothered by that stuff 
  • I think that it was a talent given to me by God (yes a weird talent but a true talent)
  • I believe that not many people can watch Grey's Anatomy (when they are doing a surgery) and eat spagettii at the same time and it not bother me a bit
  • I believe that my mom thinks that I am nuts for doing so 
  • I believe that this is fun and all but is lasting a long time and remember that I have to pee
  • I believe that I know it has been ten minutes 
  • I believe that I am going ot look at my ohone because the timer must have already went off or something
  • Ah ha I believe that I didn't get the button pushed and the timer never started so 
  • I believe I am done here
  • I believe that I did this for loing enough or I hope so 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

How ESFJ Personality Compares to Me

   As an ESFJ personality typed person, I have many positive traits and, yes, negative traits. I believe that most of everything that I have read about the personality type really does go along with my personality I see of myself. An ESFJ person is a kind of person that puts all they got into their work and obligations, down-to-earth, take their responsibilities very seriously,orderly and organized, and are very energetic; which are all traits that I believe I obtain. However, on the down side, ESFJ people get their satisfactions from the happiness of other people, obsess over the control of their environment, take negative sayings/ thoughts negatively, and are bad about having a very dramatic illustrations when story telling which I also acquire all of these traits. 
    These traits help me in many ways when it comes to my writing.Very dramatic illustrations help my writing by helping me include so many details but also makes my writings usually long which my English teachers while growing up didn't like so well. Also myself being very organized I always get my work done; I have never missed turning in an assignment which may sound nerdy but school is important to me.
    However, these traits also bring some disadvantages. ESFJ people obsess over the control of their environment which brings me down due to the fact that I spend so much time changing what I write trying to make it perfect when sometimes the first thing I wrote was the best way to put it. I spend so many touches on the the keyboard on the backspace key that I am surprised that the writing is still there. Also I am always so worried that what I write is not good and that everyone will hate it. I guess that goes along with the fact that I get my satisfaction from others. If one person doesn't like my writing, I will never look at it the same. I will always want to change it even if I really is okay but the reading didn't suite just right for that particular reader. That is why I could never be a writer unless if I improve myself for the better.
   All these things really do apply to me, however, I am not certain they apply with every single person that ends up with the ESFJ personality type. I am kinda curious but I can't imagine so many people being exactly the same. I guess this is why I disagreed with some of the traits that all ESFJ people are suppose to have like not being open-minded (I love to hear others thoughts about something and ESFJs are good listers which clases with that idea), not having their own values (I have so many values that my friends, family, and community doesn't see as important to themselves), or even reading people very well (I don't always understand sarcasm especially in text). This means that my writing gets put on paper a certain way because that is the way I put it not because I am an ESFJ person and I have to have it a certain way because I am. That is the one thing that I want everyone to leave with in their heads today. Nice blogging to ya and have a good one!

-Chelsey Tennison